
By: Selma Taapopi The Namibian Correctional Service wants to explore an agreement with Zimbabwe that will enable inmates serving sentences in either country to apply for transfer, to serve the remainder of their sentences in their respective home countries. This is according to the Namibian Correctional Service Commissioner-General Raphael Hamunyela, who was speaking during the […]

By: Ketemba Tjipepa Trade Union Congress of Namibia (TUCNA), secretary-general Mahongora Kavihuha, has called on the government to engage its various agencies and parastatals to be lenient to their creditors during the state of emergency on drought. According to Kavihuha, for the state of emergency to be effective, the government and these agencies, including municipalities, […]

Wild Africa Fund, an organisation dedicated to popularising wildlife conservation across Africa, is excited to announce its strategic partnership with OneAfrica in Namibia. This collaboration, officially launching on May 30th 2024, has already commenced with the broadcast of ‘Music for Wildlife’ concerts from Saturday 25 May2024 This multifaceted partnership spans both television and radio, leveraging […]

By: Ellen Shihepo Africa’s tourism stakeholders seek to improve access to trade and opportunities in the sector for youth across the continent in order to empower them by leveraging the sector’s immense potential and innovative platforms. The Ministry of Sport, Youth and National Services(MSYNS), Deputy Minister Emma Kantema, said that investing in young people is […]

By: Selma Taapopi A total of 491,000 Namibians(19% of the population) are categorised as being in a food security crisis, specifically in phase 3 of the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC). This is according to the Livelihood Vulnerability Assessment Analysis report for October 2023 to March 2024. The report estimates that at least 20 […]