
By: Valeria Handobe A 29-year-old graduate from the International University of Management, Paula Kambinda, with the help of her husband, turned their Khomasdal home into a school to provide early education to young children. The Madam Victoria Private School was formed last year and began operating his year, offering daycare services, grade zero and one classes, […]

Garage owner employs fellow TVET graduates A diesel mechanic graduate Ruben Shivolo, who is employed by a fellow technical and vocational education and training (TVET) graduate, says that it is important for trainees to start their businesses after graduating to reduce the high unemployment rate in the country and support their family members. Twenty-four-year-old Shivolo, […]

Edgars Online powers Spotlight by Bertha has enjoyed growing viewership thanks to its video-on-demand platform and a renewed focus on bringing quality local content to the world. ‘Spotlight by Bertha’, is the latest example of a successful local production, which focuses on home-grown movers and shakers. This podcast-style talk show has gained great traction […]

By: Valeria Handobe In an effort to lessen the country’s high unemployment rate, Risto Ashikoto, a 40-year-old self-taught detergent and cosmetics maker, is now teaching aspiring entrepreneurs how to manufacture cosmetics and detergents via online and physical training. Ashikoto has been making detergents and cosmetics for five years and has taught over 6000 individuals across […]

By: Terence Mukasa In an interview shared by the Namibian Football Association (NFA), the deputy minister of sport, youth, and national service, Emma Kantema-Gaomas has expressed her appreciation to the Tafel Lager Brave Warriors team on behalf of the government. She stated that their historic performance at the Africa Cup of Nations has united the […]

By: Selma Taapopi Roads Fund Administration, chief executive officer, Ali Iipinge, has emphasised the importance of research and innovation as key elements in the design and construction of roads. Iipinge made this remark while addressing the ministry of works and transport, as well as a delegation of government officials from Sierra Leone, recently. Watch, […]