
By: Josia Shigwedha

The Mobile Telecommunication Company (MTC) today launched a trial of the fifth generation (5G) mobile network in Namibia. The network, which clocks a speed of 1.4 gigabits per second, is part of efforts by the mobile service provider to introduce the latest technology with its roll-out soon to be implemented.

MTC’s managing director Licky Erastus stated that although the company is not ready for commercial roll-out, the trial aims to demonstrate the benefits of 5G for Namibians and the opportunities it can present to a digitally-led economy.

Erastus was speaking during the launch of the fifth generation (5G) mobile network trial in Windhoek.

“It will have a significant impact on every aspect of our digital lives. With 5G comes reduced data rates, reduced latency, energy savings, cost reductions, and higher system changes,” said Erastus.