
By: Selma Taapopi

Nutritionist Matheus Hamukwaya has called for establishing breastfeeding facilities in public settings such as malls and workplaces.

Hamukwaya’s call comes ahead of the breastfeeding week scheduled from the 1st to the 7th of August 2024.

Hamukwaya said the absence of these facilities leads mothers to breastfeed in unhygienic public bathrooms.

“One thing that I have noticed in our country is that we do not have lactation facilities. In most of the workplaces, there are no lactation facilities, and even in most of the malls that we walk in, there are no lactation facilities whereby mothers are forced to breastfeed their children in toilets, and it’s unhealthy,” stated Hamukwaya.

As a breastfeeding ambassador, Hamukwaya also called for an extension of maternity leave. He said breastfeeding requires mothers to breastfeed for the first six months exclusively.

The 2024 breastfeeding week will be observed under the theme Closing the gap: Breastfeeding.

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